
Lecture: Demon Earl or Count ANDROMALIUS


The Seventy-second Spirit in Order is named Andromalius. He is an Earl, Great and Mighty, appearing in the Form of a Man holding a Great Serpent in his Hand. His Office is to bring back both a Thief, and the Goods which be stolen; and to discover all Wickedness, and Underhand Dealing; and to punish all Thieves and other Wicked People and also to discover Treasures that be Hid. He ruleth over 36 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which wear thou as aforesaid, etc.

Source: [» The Lesser Key of Solomon ]

The 72nd spirit in order is called Andromalius he is a great and Mighty Earle appearing in ye form of a Man, holding a serpent in his hand, his office is to bring a theefe & goods yt are stolen, Back; and to discover all wickedness, and understand dealings, & to punish Theives [thieves] & other wicked people, & to discover Treasure that is hid, &c, he rules 36 Legions of spirits his seal is This, witch make & wear as a Lamin in time of action &c.

Source: [» Ars Goetia ]

He reveals thieves, returns stolen goods, discovers all wickedness, and locates hidden treasure. He will punish thieves and avenge offenders. He recovers lost articles and finds money. He also reveals secret plots and can catch a thief.

Source: [» Serpentis666 ]

Ruler: GÖAP
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Direction: South
Metal: Silver Copper
Color: Red
Incense: Dragons Blood
Corresponding Angel: » MOUMIAH

Zodiac Position: 25-29 Degrees of Pisces
March 16th-20th
Tarot card: Ten of Cups
Candle color: Indigo*
Plant: Wormwood
Animal: Pigeon*
Planet: Jupiter*
Metal: Iron*
Element of Air*
Andromalius rules over 36 legions of spirits and is a night Demon
Andromalius is a Watcher. Watchers spy on the enemy and report directly to Satan, Andras or Azazel*

Dates: March 11th – March 20th (Connolly) (Night Time)
Alternate Dates: March 16th – March 20th
Metal: Iron (Copper or Silver)
Plant: Wormwood
Zodiac: Pisces

Demon of the Night … Earl Andromalius (Night Demon)

MOUMIAH מומיה (Mumiah)

My soul, calm down again, because the Lord has been good to you. [Psalm 116: 7]
Latin name: Deus Finis universorum "The aim of God in the Universe"
Task: Spiritual / spiritual cleansing
Angelic Order (Jewish) Cherubs [Cherubim] - (כרובים)
Archangel (Jewish): Gabriel (גבריאל)
Angelic Order (Christian): Angel [Malakhim]
Allah Name (s): Al-Akhir
Gemátria 86
Constellation: Sun-Moon conjunction; -Uránusz opposition; -Mars quadrat; -Szaturnusz opposition
Star sign: Pisces
Dean: Mars
Direction: West
Rate: 25 to 30 °
Material: 16.03.-20:03.
Emotional:, 08:01, 20:03, 02:06 16:08, 29.10.....
Intellectual: 23:40 to 23:59

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The power is in knowing that you are the center of the universe